Thursday, April 22, 2010

Safari continued...

Here's the traditional version of the SUV in the desert.

A camel's gait is easy and rythmic...but the getting up and kneeling down is another experience altogether. In the space of one second or less, the camel goes from one position to the other, in a steep incline, with a huge tendancy to pitch the rider over his head.

How can a person get whiplash from dismounting a camel??
Don't know...but ouch, my neck!

We're going to eat a barbequed meal sitting on cushions...on wool rugs...

on the sand...Arabic style!

The barbeque is hot and the lamb and chicken kabobs are sizzling.

Time for a quick henna...

And a falcon demo...

Before the sun sets...

And the entertainment begins.

A dancer whirling like a he keeps his balance is a mystery...

His clothes light up like a Christmas tree.

Belly dancing doesn't have Arabic roots, it's imported entertainment that everyone seems to enjoy.

W and I have signed up for the overnight version...wonder how many people are staying?