The Atlantis resort opened to a total of 100,000 fireworks, around seven times the amount that were used for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which only lasted about fifteen minutes but cost $16M.
It has over 1500 rooms.
It has its own straddle beam monorail with a capacity for 40,000 passengers per day but for now it is running virtually empty.
Atlantis has its very own 1 million litre aquarium... good an aquarium as any in the world!
It even has a young female whale shark in captivity...or had, it was released in March...secretly.
Peering into the aquarium is like looking back in time at the ancient city of Atlantis. In fact, there is a maze of underwater corridors and passageways called the Lost Chambers.
It is one of the largest open-air marine habitats in the world, with some 65,000 marine animals in lagoons and displays.
The decor holds me just as enthralled. I love the artistry, the workmanship and the the watery theme.
Dozen of large bronzed hanging light fixtures stylized like dolphins.
Note the venetian plaster rubbed finish on the ceiling...that's expensive to execute...unless its in Dubai where the labour is cheap.
Plaster or cement, not sure.
The scale is massive everywhere I look.
This superbly painted ceiling dome is 50 feet across! Click on it for a closer look.
Another 50 foot wide ceiling masterpiece.
I feel like the Queen of Sheba...the half was not told me of the splendor or the scope...
Shell light fixtures marching down a large corridor to the exclusive guest elevators.
My camera just can't take in the whole fountain with its marvellous fish tail foot, not to mention the epic grand staircase above it.
Photo opp on King Neptune's throne.
Atlantis has risen they say.
Given the debt load of Dubai...hope it doesn't sink again.