No, not a yacht, just a dhow; a traditional wooden sailing vessel that has plied the waters of Dubai creek for centuries, used for fishing and diving for pearls.
Stepping into one is like stepping back in time a hundred years.
Our captain took us up the creek and down again for a delightful hour.
He pointed out all kinds of important landmarks and with the zeal of a passionate teacher loaded us with facts and figures,
all of which was delivered in such a thick incomprehensible Indian accent that we barely caught any of it. We smiled and nodded and cocked our heads sideways hoping to make out something but there was slim chance.
The dear man finally sunk into a despondancy of silence that was painful to witness but we tried our best to let him know that we were having a profitable time anyway.
And we were.
Afterall, we had chartered our very own vessel and hired our very own captain,
and we were enjoying it together as a family.